This article, due to its complexity, as well as its specificity in terms of periodic review of data and information, we decided to write it in the form of a headline with direct links.
Below we mention the headings with direct links. Click on the link to go to the official site of the source (GOV.UK).
Please be aware that GOV.UK updates information from time to time, so it is recommended that you double-check it before making any decisions. - Save this page for instant access to mentioned topics.
In the source links, you can find step-by-step guidance on what and how to be in each circumstance.
So, the most important headings:
Get personalized instructions on what to do for yourself, your business, and your family by simply answering a series of questions. - FIND OUT HERE.
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This article intends to give only a general informative picture and should not, in any case, be taken as a rule. It is strongly recommended to seek a full and professional guidance specifically for your circumstances before making any decisions.